National Consultant for the NDC Action project in Jordan Vacancy Job Ref: VACUNEP5708-17

United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

Result of Service

Strengthening Jordan’s national climate response by supporting the implementation of Jordan’s NDC and realizing climate ambitions.

Work Location Amman, Jordan

Duties and Responsibilities 1. Organizational Setting, Purpose and Objective: The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is the leading global environmental authority that sets the global environmental agenda, promotes the coherent implementation of the environmental dimension of sustainable development within the United Nations system and serves as an authoritative advocate for the global environment.

The “NDC Action” Project supports ten partner countries to translate their nationally determined contributions (NDCs) into concrete strategies and actions ready for financing and implementation and fosters accelerated public and private investment in sector specific NDC implementation.

The Project will be implemented in Jordan by UNEP and the UNEP-DTU Partnership (UDP) in close collaboration with the government of Jordan and identified national institutions.

The project will focus on two selected sectors: water (with a focus on water for agriculture) and waste (with a focus on solid waste).

In Jordan, work on the project kicked off in February 2020 and officially launched in June 2021.

The objective of the consultancy is to support the continued implementation of the project in Jordan and acting as the in-country focal point.

The Consultant will work in close collaboration with the two focal ministries in Jordan, namely the Ministry of Environment (MoE) and the Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation (MOPIC).

He/she will develop/update work plans, conduct research, hold consultation with stakeholders, oversee cooperation with technical collaborating institutions, provide regular updates on project progress and ensure the overall adherence to its objectives, quality standards, and timeframes.

The Consultant will also work closely with the selected national technical institution (NTI), who will lead on studies, technical assessments and capacity building.

The project’s intended outcomes are:

i. Partner institutions are leading NDC implementation and driving more ambitious NDCs with the engagement and support of relevant national stakeholders;

ii. Relevant actors have the knowledge on policies and programmes needed to drive NDC implementation in the priority mitigation and/or adaptation sectors;

iii. Financial institutions are engaged in the development of climate-friendly investment plans led by governments, and show the intention to make climate investments that support NDC implementation;

iv. Experiences and lessons learned are shared among partner countries and beyond, creating a foundation for enhanced ambition

2. Duties and Responsibilities (Included in JO Posting): Under the direct supervision of the Climate Change Coordinator at UNEP’s Regional Office for West Asia (ROWA), the Consultant will carry-out, inter alia, the following duties and responsibilities:

1. Implement national-level multi-stakeholder consultation:

The NDC Action aims to support the efficient implementation of Jordan’s NDC in two priority sectors. For this to occur, a robust and inclusive multi stakeholder consultation and coordination process is needed and was developed in the early part of the project.

The Consultant shall implement this consultation mechanism throughout the project’s duration and shall, among others:

– Organize project steering and technical committee meetings, ensuring adequate representation of stakeholders

– Develop necessary material and briefing notes for discussion and propose matters in need of decision making, written feedback or guidance

– Record deliberations, take sufficiently detailed notes and disseminate minutes

– Update the mechanism as needed based on focal ministry requirements

Deliverable: quarterly steering and technical committee meeting minutes

2. Implementation of project activities and project management The project workplan was developed in an earlier phase of the project.

The Consultant shall implement project activities according to this workplan and ensure adequate project management on a day-to-day basis as the in-country focal point for UNEP in coordination with focal ministries and the national technical institution (NTI).

– Support the regional coordinator in overseeing day-to-day implementation of the project according to the workplan and in liaison with focal ministries and all relevant stakeholders

– Update the project workplan as needed

– Provide advice and guidance on technical matters and issues related to project activities

– Prepare monthly progress reports to UNEP-ROWA detailing activities undertaken, achievements, minutes of meetings, upcoming events, matters in need of attention, and discussions held with stakeholders

– Continually assess, mitigate and report on project risks

– Organize meetings and local and national workshops for stakeholder consultation, as requested by the regional coordinator

– Facilitate the country missions of UNEP and UDP staff and consultants

– Facilitate the implementation of the technical assistance activities of the project

– Undertake any other project related activities at the request of UNEP-ROWA regional coordinator

Deliverable: Monthly progress reports

3. Knowledge sharing and communication One of the components of the project is to seek and realize opportunities for knowledge sharing among stakeholders in Jordan and internationally. The Consultant will lead and support these activities as required.

– Contribute to the development and content of the project’s global knowledge sharing strategy, adapting it to the Jordan’s context in coordination with the national technical institutions (NTI)

– Lead knowledge sharing events, meetings and activities on a regular basis

– Develop and contribute to knowledge sharing materials such as flyers, factsheets and articles – Contribute to the project’s global stock take on best practice and lessons learned

Deliverable: Quarterly communication material and reports

Qualifications/special skills Academic Qualifications: Advanced degree in environmental sciences, international affairs, climate change, public policy or similar. Experience:

– Minimum 5 years’ experience in climate change policy, international development, public policy or similar

– Experience in water and/or waste sectors an advantage

– Familiarity with the Jordan and regional climate change context is essential

– Familiarity with Jordan government processes and data availability is essential

– Ability to conduct research and work independently

– Excellent communication and stakeholder management skills Language: Fluency in written and spoken English and Arabic is required.

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